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Fertility Preservation: Know the Purpose, Your Options & Benefits

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Fertility Preservation: Know the Purpose, Your Options & Benefits

“For many individuals, the ability to have children is a cherished dream. However, certain medical treatments or life circumstances can put that dream at risk by impacting one’s future fertility. This is where fertility preservation comes in — a proactive approach that aims to safeguard your chances of conceiving in the future”, says Dr Kajal Manguiya, one of the best gyno in Surat and founder of Orkid Hospital. In this blog post, we’ll explore the purpose of fertility preservation, the various options available, and the benefits it can offer.

Understanding the Purpose of Fertility Preservation

Fertility preservation refers to the process of preserving eggs, sperm, or reproductive tissues for future use. It is commonly recommended for individuals facing:

Cancer Treatment

Certain chemotherapy drugs, radiation, and surgical procedures can damage or destroy reproductive cells, potentially causing infertility.

Genetic Conditions

Those with genetic disorders that may impact future fertility may opt to preserve healthy eggs or sperm.

Age-Related Fertility Decline

As women age, their ovarian reserve (egg supply) diminishes, making conception more challenging.

Gender-Affirming Treatments

Transgender individuals may choose to preserve eggs or sperm before undergoing hormone therapy or gender-affirming surgeries.

Other Medical Conditions

Autoimmune disorders, premature ovarian failure, or recurrent ovarian cysts can also necessitate fertility preservation.

Doctors at Orkid Hospital, one of the best IVF centres in Surat, recommend fertility preservation because by preserving reproductive cells or tissues, individuals can potentially safeguard their ability to have biological children later in life, even after undergoing treatments that may compromise their fertility.

Fertility Preservation Options

Dr Kajal Mangukiya of Orkid Hospital, known as one of the best IVF hospitals in Surat, shares the various options available for fertility preservation, depending on the individual’s specific needs and circumstances:

Egg Freezing (Oocyte Cryopreservation)

This process involves stimulating the ovaries to produce multiple eggs, which are then retrieved and frozen for future use in in-vitro fertilization (IVF).

Embryo Freezing

Eggs are retrieved and fertilized with sperm in the laboratory, creating embryos that are then frozen for future transfer into the uterus.

Sperm Freezing

Sperm samples are collected and frozen, allowing future use in intrauterine insemination (IUI) or IVF procedures.

Ovarian Tissue Freezing

For prepubertal girls or women who cannot delay cancer treatment, ovarian tissue is surgically removed and frozen, preserving immature eggs.

Testicular Tissue Freezing

For prepubertal boys or men facing sterilizing treatments, testicular tissue is frozen to potentially restore fertility in the future.

The choice of preservation method depends on factors such as the individual’s age, fertility potential, medical condition, and personal preferences.

Benefits of Fertility Preservation

Experts at one of the best infertility centres in Surat, Orkid Hospital, share the benefits of fertility preservation:

Peace of Mind

Knowing that you have preserved your fertility can provide immense psychological relief, especially when facing treatments that may impact your ability to have children.

Expanded Family-Building Options

Preserved eggs, sperm, or embryos can be used in future assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) like IVF or IUI, increasing your chances of having a biological child.

Genetic Continuity

By using your own preserved reproductive cells, you can ensure a genetic connection with your future offspring.

Timing Flexibility

Fertility preservation allows you to postpone parenthood until you are physically, emotionally, and financially ready, without worrying about age-related fertility decline.

Overcoming Medical Challenges

For those facing cancer or other conditions that may compromise fertility, preservation can offer a path to parenthood after successful treatment.

It’s important to note that while fertility preservation can significantly improve your chances of conceiving in the future, it does not guarantee a successful pregnancy. However, it does provide hope and the opportunity to explore various family-building options.

If you are facing medical treatments or life circumstances that may impact your fertility, it’s crucial to explore fertility preservation options early. Consult with a reproductive specialist at Orkid Hospital, one of the best test tube baby centres in Surat, to understand your specific situation and determine the best course of action to safeguard your dreams of parenthood.