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Obstetrics Sonography

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A center for obstetric sonography, also known as a prenatal ultrasound center, is a specialized facility that provides ultrasound services to expectant mothers during pregnancy. These services include routine prenatal scans and more detailed evaluations to assess the growth, development, and health of the fetus.

At Orkid hospital, our center for obstetric sonography is staffed by highly trained and experienced sonographers and obstetricians who use state-of-the-art ultrasound equipment to produce high-resolution images of the fetus. Our center offers a wide range of ultrasound services, including:

Routine obstetric scans: These scans are performed at regular intervals throughout pregnancy to monitor the growth and development of the fetus, assess the position of the placenta, and check for any abnormalities or complications.

Detailed obstetric scans: These scans are performed at specific times during pregnancy, such as in the first trimester, to assess the health of the fetus in more detail and check for any chromosomal abnormalities or structural defects.

3D and 4D ultrasound: These types of ultrasound create three-dimensional and four-dimensional images of the fetus, respectively, which can provide more detailed images of the fetus’s face, hands, and feet.

Obstetric sonography is a safe and non-invasive procedure that is widely used to monitor the health and development of the fetus during pregnancy. At Orkid hospital, our center for obstetric sonography is dedicated to providing expectant mothers with the highest level of care and support throughout their pregnancy.

If you are pregnant and have been referred for obstetric sonography, you can expect the highest quality care at Orkid hospital. For more information, mail us at [email protected]