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Embryo Freezing

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Embryo Freezing

A woman’s mature eggs can be preserved through the scientific method of egg freezing for use in the future. The method of retrieval is comparable to in vitro fertilization.


Approximately 4 to 6 weeks are required for the freezing cycle, which also includes 10 to 14 days of hormone injections to stimulate the ovaries and develop many, mature eggs. The eggs are instantly frozen after being extracted.


Why Consider Orkid For Egg Freezing?

A woman’s ovaries age quickly, and with time, both the amount and quality of her eggs decline, most noticeably in her 30s and 40s. One possibility for a future healthy pregnancy is to freeze your eggs as protection against the negative effects of aging and external factors like chemotherapy or radiation therapy.


Please schedule a consultation with one of the fertility experts to learn more about Egg Freezing in Surat and to determine whether this procedure is appropriate for you. We would be pleased to go over the potential dangers, results, and available options as they relate to your particular case.


Why not contact us right now? When it comes to the best egg freezing in Surat, we take great satisfaction in our dependable personnel and recognized knowledge.