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Bursting Fertility Myths: By the Best Gynaecologist in Surat

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Bursting Fertility Myths: By the Best Gynaecologist in Surat

In the world of fertility and reproductive health, myths and misconceptions abound. These myths can often lead to unnecessary stress, confusion, and even delay in seeking the help of a qualified healthcare professional. If you’re on a fertility journey or know someone who is, it’s essential to separate fact from fiction. In this blog, we’ll debunk some common fertility myths and highlight the importance of seeking treatment from the Best Gynaecologist in Surat for your needs.

Myth 1: Fertility Issues Only Affect Women

Fact: Fertility is a shared responsibility between both partners. Approximately one-third of fertility problems are due to female factors, one-third due to male factors, and the remaining third due to a combination of both or unknown causes. Seeking help from the best infertility hospital in Surat involves assessing both partners’ reproductive health.

Myth 2: Infertility Is Only a Woman’s Problem

Fact: This myth couldn’t be further from the truth. Men can also face infertility issues, such as low sperm count, poor sperm motility, or structural problems. To rule out male factors in fertility struggles, it’s crucial for both partners to undergo evaluation and testing at a reputable infertility hospital in Surat.

Myth 3: Infertility Is Always Linked to Age

Fact: While it’s true that female fertility generally declines with age, infertility can affect individuals at any stage of their reproductive years. Dr Kajal Manguliya, one of the best gynaecologists in Surat says that various factors, including lifestyle choices, underlying health conditions, and genetic factors, can impact fertility. Consult a gynaecologist for a personalized assessment, regardless of your age.

Myth 4: You Can’t Get Pregnant If You Have Irregular Periods

Fact: Irregular periods can make it more challenging to predict ovulation, but they do not necessarily mean you cannot conceive. Irregular periods can be due to various factors, including hormonal imbalances, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), or stress. A consultation with a qualified gynaecologist in the best infertility hospital in Suracan help identify and address the underlying cause of irregular periods.

Myth 5: You Can’t Get Pregnant While Breastfeeding

Fact: While breastfeeding can suppress ovulation and delay fertility in some women, it is not a foolproof method of contraception. Ovulation can still occur, even if you are breastfeeding. If you wish to avoid pregnancy, it’s essential to use a reliable contraceptive method or consult your gynaecologist for advice.

Myth 6: If You’ve Had a Child Before, You Can’t Be Infertile

Fact: Secondary infertility, where a couple experiences difficulty conceiving after previously having a child, is a real concern. It may be due to various factors, including changes in health, age, or underlying conditions that have developed since the birth of the first child. If you’re struggling to conceive again, it’s crucial to seek guidance from a fertility specialist.

Myth 7: Relaxation Alone Can Cure Infertility

Fact: While reducing stress is essential for overall well-being, infertility is a medical condition that often requires specialized treatment. Suggesting that relaxation alone can cure infertility oversimplifies the complex factors involved. Consult a fertility expert to explore appropriate treatment options.

Myth 8: Fertility Treatments Always Result in Multiple Births

Fact: Fertility treatments, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), can indeed increase the chances of multiple pregnancies. However, advancements in reproductive medicine allow for more precise control over the number of embryos transferred, reducing the risk of multiples. Your fertility specialist will work with you to determine the most appropriate approach.

Myth 9: Eating Certain Foods Can Guarantee Fertility

Fact: While maintaining a healthy diet is essential for overall health, no specific food or superfood can guarantee fertility. However, maintaining a balanced diet, managing weight, and staying physically active can support reproductive health. Consult with a nutritionist alongside your gynaecologist for personalized dietary guidance.

Myth 10: You Should Wait for Certain Number of Years Before Seeking Help

Fact: If you’ve been trying to conceive without success for six months to a year (depending on age), it’s advisable to seek guidance from a qualified gynaecologist or fertility specialist. Early intervention can often lead to more successful outcomes, making it crucial not to delay seeking help.


Fertility myths can be misleading and contribute to unnecessary stress for individuals and couples on their journey to parenthood. To navigate the complex world of fertility and reproductive health, it’s essential to consult with the best gynaecologist in Surat. Armed with accurate information and expert guidance, you can make informed decisions and take proactive steps toward achieving your dream of building a family. Remember, fertility challenges are common, but with the right support, many couples can overcome them and experience the joy of parenthood.