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10 Things Every Parent Should Do Before They Try to Conceive

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10 Things Every Parent Should Do Before They Try to Conceive

In the journey of parenthood, the anticipation and desire to bring a tiny life into the world can be overwhelming. It’s a path paved with dreams, hopes, and boundless love. As you stand at the precipice, ready to embark on this miraculous adventure, there are crucial steps to take, a tapestry of moments to weave before you try to conceive. At Oorkid Hospital, we understand the depth of emotions that accompany this sacred endeavor and that’s why we have compiled a list of ten essential things shared by the Best Gynaecologists in Surat that every parent should consider before trying to conceive, providing a helpful guide for those eagerly awaiting the arrival of their little bundle of joy.

1. Schedule a Preconception Check-Up

Visiting a healthcare professional for a preconception check-up is an essential first step for prospective parents. A thorough evaluation of both partners’ overall health, medical history, and any underlying conditions will help identify and address any potential concerns that may affect conception or pregnancy. This check-up provides an opportunity to update vaccinations, discuss prenatal supplements, and receive personalized guidance on improving fertility and optimizing overall health.

2. Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle

We at Orkid Hospital and IVF Center, being one of the Best IVF Centre in Surat, suggest that you make healthy lifestyle choices that significantly contribute to fertility and the overall well-being of the parents-to-be. It is crucial to maintain a balanced diet, rich in essential nutrients like folic acid, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids. Regular exercise, sufficient sleep, and stress management techniques can also help create a supportive environment for conception. Avoiding harmful substances such as tobacco, excessive alcohol, and illicit drugs is paramount for both partners.

3. Assess Genetic and Family History

Understanding one’s genetic and family history is vital for prospective parents. Certain genetic conditions can be inherited, and being aware of potential risks can help in making informed decisions. Consult a genetic counsellor, if necessary, to evaluate any family history of genetic disorders or other hereditary conditions. Armed with this knowledge, couples can better plan for the future and seek appropriate medical interventions if required.

4. Strengthen Your Relationship

Parenthood is a shared responsibility, and a strong foundation is key to navigating the challenges it brings. Take time to nurture and strengthen your relationship before embarking on this new chapter. Effective communication, resolving conflicts, and spending quality time together will foster a supportive environment for both partners and their future child. Consider attending couples’ counselling or relationship workshops to enhance your connection and build resilience as a team.

5. Assess Financial Preparedness

Raising a child entails financial responsibilities, so it is crucial to assess your financial preparedness beforehand. Evaluate your income, savings, and insurance coverage to ensure you can provide for your child’s needs. Create a budget to accommodate additional expenses, such as healthcare, education, and childcare. Planning ahead will help alleviate financial stress and allow you to focus on the joys of parenthood.

6. Review Work and Parental Leave Policies

Review your workplace policies and discuss parental leave options with your employer. Familiarize yourself with the benefits, rights, and duration of parental leave you are entitled to. Understanding your options will help you make informed decisions about work-life balance after the baby arrives. Consider exploring flexible work arrangements, if available, to facilitate a smoother transition into parenthood.

7. Build a Support Network

Parenting can be challenging, and having a support network in place can make a significant difference. Reach out to family, friends, or join local parenting communities to connect with other parents. Sharing experiences, seeking advice, and receiving emotional support can ease the journey and provide a sense of belonging. Consider attending parenting classes or joining support groups to learn from experts and fellow parents.

8. Create a Safe and Nurturing Environment

Prepare your home for the arrival of your little one by ensuring a safe and nurturing environment. Baby-proof your living spaces, invest in essential equipment such as a crib, car seat, and baby monitor. Educate yourself about safe sleep practices, proper nutrition, and age-appropriate toys. Setting up a safe and welcoming space will give you peace of mind as you bring your child home.

9. Discuss Parenting Values and Styles

Take time to have open and honest conversations about parenting values and styles with your partner. Discuss discipline, education, religion, and other important aspects to ensure you are aligned in your approach. Understanding each other’s expectations and finding common ground will help you create a unified parenting strategy, fostering a supportive and consistent environment for your child’s growth and development.

10. Embrace the Journey

Lastly, remember to enjoy the journey! Conceiving and raising a child is a unique experience filled with love, joy, and challenges. Embrace the ups and downs and be kind to yourselves along the way. Celebrate milestones, capture precious moments, and cherish the time you have as a couple before expanding your family. Remember, if all else fails you can approach the best fertility hospital in Surat to get your parenting journey started.


In the tapestry of life, there is no greater privilege, no deeper love than that of parenthood. The ten things we have uncovered here serve as gentle reminders, guiding lights on the path to creating a haven of love, compassion, and resilience for your future child. Oorkid Hospital understands the profound emotions that accompany this journey, and we are honoured to stand by your side, offering unwavering support and guidance.